Image source: gamerant.com
In this project, I converted a PDF into an Excel table using Adobe, merged it with a GIS data set using Power Query, and then created a dot map of individual tree locations across Austin, TX using Power BI. The dot's color represents the native tree species and the dot's size represents the individual tree's diameter.
Excel - Power Query - Power BI
Image source: gamerant.com
In this project, I cleansed and prepared a Kaggle dataset of video game sales for use in the bar chart race visualization package. In it, each console 'races' to the top of global game sales. Bar chart races are infotainment, and I wanted to use the python package to visualize the still on-going 'Console Wars' between Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft.
In this project, I cleansed and prepared two US government nuclear energy datasets for an annual visualization of nuclear reliability compared to other energy sources. I also visualized the capacity factor and estimated generation performance for each reactor, power plant, state and region across the United States.
In this project, I created a Google Sheet that utilizes the GOOGLEFINANCE() function to generate daily stock ticket data for my own personal investment: Schwab Exchange Traded Funds. This is a great project for anyone!
Google Sheets (Only)